Digital resources to share with your students and their families
Get College ReadySM Planning Guide. This interactive workbook is packed with financial information and guidance to help juniors and seniors navigate the college planning process. You can share the guide with your students in a variety of ways — via email, social media, or by directing them to the CollegeSTEPS® website. The guide can be printed or filled in online.
- Scholarship Resource Center. Access billions of dollars in higher education funding, plus the strategies and tools to successfully navigate them.
- First-generation student resources. Experts from the nonprofit Center for First-Generation Student Success share their guidance for first-in-family students for applying to, paying for, and thriving in college.
College Financial Foundations Webinar Series. Free, on-demand webinars on a wide variety of college planning and funding topics.
- These college planning resources — and more — are available to students and their families on the CollegeSTEPS website, where they can also sign up for the CollegeSTEPS newsletter for planning and paying for college.
Sign up for our newsletter to stay in touch.
The CollegeSTEPS counselor newsletter offers the latest and most relevant information you need to share with your students throughout the year on paying for college, managing money, understanding credit, and more.
Reaching out made easy
To share these digital resources with your students and their families, you can use the following communications tools:
One-page flyer
Social media posts
Share our digital college planning resources, specifically our Get College ReadySM Planning Guide on the CollegeSTEPS® website, from your school’s social media handles using the suggested social posts provided below.